Computer Laboratory I

There are two general-purpose PC rooms for our students each equipped with around 20 computers. All of the PCs have LCD monitors for a comforable use and connect to department's gigabit network. Most of them have latest quad-core processors.

Additionally, some free desks with ethernet cables and power plugs are reserved for those students who choose to bring their own mobile computers for using free high-speed Internet.

All those pre-configured PCs are protected by a central firewall and all users have their own network disk areas for storage of personal files and profiles.

Most of the PC's installed software are MS Windows based and include most office tools, programming language compilers, design and simulation programs and many useful utilities.

The rooms have surveillance cameras equipped for security reasons. No cameras can see what are on the monitor screens to maintain privacy.

All computer rooms are intended for the use of our department's students only.

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