Research Projects
Dr. A. Salim Kayhan's Projects (as owner or participant)
HU Scientific Research Projects Unit11
The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey11
Private Sector11
1LPI Radar DetectionDr. A. Salim KayhanCompleted
Completion date: 2009
Private Sector
2Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Using Time-Frequency MethodsDr. A. Salim KayhanCompleted
Completion date: 1997
HU Scientific Research Projects Unit
3A Speech Recognition System for Turkish using Hidden Markov ModelsDr. H. Selçuk GeçimCompleted
Completion date: 1996
The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
Projects suffixed by * sign denote that the project supervisors are out of our department. Our staff contribute to these projects as researchers or advisors.

Project details