Publications of Dr. Mehmet Şafak
Type | International publication | National publication | Total | |
Journal paper | 18 | 1 | 19 | |
Conference paper | 31 | 18 | 49 | |
Book chapter | 2 | 1 | 3 | |
Total: | 51 | 20 | 0 | 71 |
# | Title | Publication | Author(s) | Type | Indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI or EI? | Year |
1 | Wireless Sensor and Communication Nodes with Energy Harvesting | Journal of CONASENSE, Communicstions, Navigation, Sensing And Services | M. Şafak | Journal paper | Yes | January 2014 |
2 | Chapter.1-Vision Architecture | CONASENSE, Communications, Navigation, Sensing And Services, Edts, L.Ligthart and R. Prasad | M. Şafak | Book chapter | - | January 2014 |
3 | Chapter-7. Potential Applications and Research Opportunities in the CONASENCE Initiative | CONASENSE, Communications, Navigation, Sensing And Services | M. Şafak | Book chapter | - | November 2013 |
4 | İlintili Parazit ÇGÇÇ Sisteminin Başarım Analizi | Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU), 2011 19th | Ö. Haliloğlu, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | April 2011 |
5 | Parazit MIMO Sisteminin Başarım Analizi | 5. URSI - Türkiye 2010 Bilimsel Kongresi ODTÜ-Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampusu, KKTC | Ö. Haliloğlu, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | August 2010 |
6 | Çoklu Engel Kırınımına Bağlı Gölgeleme | SİU 2010 - IEEE 18. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı - Diyarbakır | Ö. Haliloğlu, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | April 2010 |
7 | Special Issue: Spectrum and Power Efficient Broadband Communications (COST Action 289) (editorial) | Wireless Personal Communications | M. Şafak, A. Svensson, H. Rohling and A. Wittneben | Journal paper | Unspecified | October 2008 |
8 | On the MIMO Channel Capacity Predicted by Kronecker and Müller Models | Special Issue: Spectrum and Power Efficient Broadband Communications, Wireless Personal Communications | M. Şafak, M.Karaman-Çolakoğlu | Journal paper | Unspecified | October 2008 |
9 | Internet Televizyonculuğu ve IPTV nin Yeri | Kitabın başlığı: Birey Eksenli İnteraktif Yayıncılık IPTV | M. Şafak | Book chapter | - | March 2008 |
10 | Bilişsel İletişim Ağlarına Doğru | IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU 2007, Eskişehir, 11-13 Haziran 2007 | M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | June 2007 |
11 | Çok girdili Çok Çıktılı Sistemlerde Kanal Modellerinin Karşılaştırılması | IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve Telekomünikasyon Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU 2007, Eskişehir, 11-13 Haziran 2007 | M. Şafak, M.Karaman-Çolakoğlu | Conference paper | - | June 2007 |
12 | OFDM Sistemlerinde İyileştirilmiş Büyül Sembol Kontrol Yöntemi İle Tepe/Ortalama Güç Oranının Düşürülmesi | 12. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU 2004, 28-30 Nisan 2004, Kuşadası | M. Şafak, Rafet Yücel | Conference paper | - | April 2004 |
13 | Kutuplanma Çeşitlemesinde Uzamsal Çoğullama Sisteminin ve Büyül-Oran Birleştiricisinin Başarım Analizi | 11. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU 2003, 18-20 Haziran 2003, Koç Üniversitesi, İstanbul | M. Şafak, Sidar Bozay | Conference paper | - | June 2003 |
14 | Performance of an OFDM system in frequency non-selective fast fading channels | Proc. 7th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo’,02), September 10-11, 2002, Hamburg, Germany | M. Şafak, Özgür Karabacak | Conference paper | - | September 2002 |
15 | İlintili sönümlemenin uzay-zaman kodlamasına etkisi, | Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, SIU 2002, 12-14 Haziran 2002, Pamukkale | M. Şafak, Müge Yılmaz ve Sidar Bozay | Conference paper | - | June 2002 |
16 | An experimental investigation of impulse noise on low-voltage powerlines | 6th International Symposium on Power-Line Communications and Applications (ISPLC 2002), 27-29 March 2002, Athens, Greece | M. Şafak, Faruk Kural | Conference paper | - | March 2002 |
17 | Korelasyonun Nakagami- m tipi sönümlemede MRC çeşitlemeli alış sistemlerine etkisi | İletişim Teknolojileri 1. Ulusal Sempozyumu | M. Şafak, S. Bozay | Conference paper | - | October 2001 |
18 | Enerji Hatları Üzerinden İletişim - Son Gelişmeler | İletişim Teknolojileri 1. Ulusal Sempozyumu | M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | October 2001 |
19 | Combined Punctured Convolutional Coding and GMSK with Limiter Discriminator Detection in Gaussian Noise Channels | International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST 2001), 1-3 Sept.2001, Tehran, Iran | M. Şafak, Ayşen Balbaş | Conference paper | - | September 2001 |
20 | Performance of OFDM Systems in Impulsive Noise Channels | 6. International OFDM Workshop | G. Pay, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | September 2001 |
21 | Combined Punctured Convolutional Coding and GMSK with Limiter Discriminator Detection in Gaussian Noise Channels | IST 2001 | M. Şafak, A. Balbaş | Conference paper | - | September 2001 |
22 | The analysis of the degradation in discrete multitone systems due to impulsive noise | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, May 2001 | M. Şafak, Gökhan Pay | Conference paper | - | May 2001 |
23 | The Analysis of the Degradation in Discrete Multitone Systems Due to Impulsive Noise | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference | G. Pay, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | May 2001 |
24 | SER performance analysis of DMT systems under impulsive noise | Int. Symp. on Power Line Communications (ISPLC 2001), Malmö, Sweden, 4-6 April 2001 | M. Şafak, Gökhan Pay | Conference paper | - | April 2001 |
25 | A DSP based DMT modem for power line communications | Int. Symp. on Power Line Communications (ISPLC 2001), Malmö, Sweden, 4-6 April 2001 | M. Şafak, Başak Kaplan-Güvenç | Conference paper | - | April 2001 |
26 | Realization of a simulation software for power line communications | Int. Symp. on Power Line Communications (ISPLC 2001), Malmö, Sweden, 4-6 April 2001 | M. Şafak, Ersin Yavuz | Conference paper | - | April 2001 |
27 | SER Performance Analysis of DMT Systems Under Impulsive Noise | Int. Symp. On Power Line Communications (ISPLC 2001) | G. Pay, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | April 2001 |
28 | A DSP based DMT modem for power line communications | Int. Symp. On Power Line Communications (ISPLC 2001) | M. Şafak, B.Güvenç | Conference paper | - | April 2001 |
29 | Realization of a simulation software for power line communications | Int. Symp. On Power Line Communications (ISPLC 2001) | M. Şafak, E. Yavuz | Conference paper | - | April 2001 |
30 | Alçak gerilim hatlarının sayısal iletişim için modellenmesi | Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU'2000, 12-14 Haziran 2000, Antalya, Türkiye | M. Şafak, F. Kural, E. Yavuz ve B. Ercan | Conference paper | - | June 2000 |
31 | Nakagami dağilimli sönümlemeli kanallarda kafes kodlamalı kiplenimin başarımının incelenmesi | Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SIU'2000, 12-14 Haziran 2000, Antalya, Turkey | M. Şafak, Gamze Ercek | Conference paper | - | June 2000 |
32 | Power line modelling for digital communications | Proc. of 2000 Int. Symposium on Power Line Communications and Applications (ISPLC2000), 5-7 April 2000, Limerick, Ireland | M. Şafak, E. Yavuz, F. Kural, N. Çoban, B. Ercan | Conference paper | - | April 2000 |
33 | A Simple Analysis of a CDMA Cellular Radio System | MELECON 2000 | M. Şafak, M. Abdel-Hafez | Conference paper | - | January 2000 |
34 | Performance analysis of digital cellular radio systems in Nakagami fading and correlated shadowing environment, | IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology | M. Şafak, M.Abdel-Hafez | Journal paper | Unspecified | September 1999 |
35 | Calculation of bit error rate floor by using two-ray model | Proc. of SIU’,98, 15-17 May 1998, Kızılcahamam, Ankara | M. Şafak, Başak Kaplan | Conference paper | - | May 1998 |
36 | A BER analysis for a candidate channel model for UMTS | Proc. of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC’,98, 18-21 May 1998, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | M. Şafak, M.Abdel-Hafez | Conference paper | - | May 1998 |
37 | Corrolated Shadowing and Near-Far Effects on Throughput of Slotted ALOHA in Nakagami Fading Envoirment | MELECON98 Conference | M.A.Hafez, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | May 1998 |
38 | İki Işın Modeli Kullanarak Bit Hata Oranı Tabanının Hesaplanması | 6. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı | M. Şafak, B.Kaplan | Conference paper | - | May 1998 |
39 | Simplified Analysis of Equal Gain Combining in Nakagami Fading Channels | Electronics Letters | M. Şafak, M. Abdel-Hafez | Journal paper | Unspecified | November 1997 |
40 | Throughput of slotted ALOHA in Nakagami fading and correlated shadowing environment | Electronics Letters | M. Şafak, M.Abdel-Hafez | Journal paper | Unspecified | June 1997 |
41 | Co-channel interference probability with Rician-faded and log-normal shadowed correlated interferers | IEEE/VTS 46th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC’,96), Atlanta, USA, 28 April-1 May 1996 | M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | April 1996 |
42 | Performance of digital microcellular radio systems with Rician fading and correlated shadowing | Record of 1995 4th IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications, November 6-10, 1995, Meiji Kinenkan, Tokyo, Japan | M. Şafak, Aysel Şafak | Conference paper | - | November 1995 |
43 | Spectrum efficiency with correlated interferers | Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'94), The Hague, The Netherlands, 18-22 September 1994 | Aysel Şafak, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | September 1994 |
44 | Throughput in macro and micro-cellular radio systems with multiple correlated log-normal interferers | Proc. of IEEE 44th Vehicular Technology Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-11, 1994 | Aysel Şafak, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | June 1994 |
45 | Moments of the sum of correlated log-normal random variables | Proc. of IEEE 44th Vehicular Technology Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-11, 1994, vol. 1 | Aysel Şafak, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | June 1994 |
46 | Radiation pattern of an offset hyperbolic reflector | IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation | M. Şafak | Journal paper | Unspecified | February 1993 |
47 | Comparison of UTD and UAT in axially symmetric reflectors | IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation | M. Şafak, Erdem Yazgan | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1993 |
48 | Limitations on the reflector antenna gain by random surface errors, pointing errors and the angle-of-arrival jitter | IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation | M. Şafak | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1990 |
49 | Comparison of UTD and UAT in Axially Symmetric Reflectors | IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagat. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1987 |
50 | Polarization Losses in Reflector Antennas | IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation | M. Şafak, E. Yazgan | Journal paper | Unspecified | August 1985 |
51 | Polarization Losses of Reflector Antennas with Asymmetric Feed Patterns | Proc. of International Symposium on Antennas and EM Theory ISAE'85 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | August 1985 |
52 | Polarization losses in reflector antennas | IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation | M. Şafak, Erdem Yazgan | Journal paper | Unspecified | August 1985 |
53 | Complete radiation pattern of a focus fed offset paraboloidal reflector | IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation | M. Şafak | Journal paper | Unspecified | May 1985 |
54 | Forward radiation from axially symmetric reflector antennas | IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation | M. Şafak | Journal paper | Unspecified | September 1984 |
55 | Polarization Losses of Reflector Antennas with Asymmetric Feed Patterns | Proc. of the 2nd METU International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, Microwaves and Electromagnetic Theory | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | October 1983 |
56 | Unified Analysis of Radiation Patterns for Dual-Reflector Antennas | IEEE MELECON-83, Proc. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | May 1983 |
57 | Unified analysis of radiation patterns for dual-reflector antennas | Proc. Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf., Melecon '83, vol.I, Athens, Greece, 24-26 May 1983 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | May 1983 |
58 | Investigation of Focus-Fed Symmetrical Microwave Antennas | Natural Science Publication | M. Şafak, E. Yazgan | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1983 |
59 | GTD Analysis of Offset Reflector Antennas with Offset Feeds | 7th Colloquium on Microwave Communication Proc. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | September 1982 |
60 | GTD analysis of offset reflector antennas with offset feeds | Proc. 7th Colloq. on Microwave Commun., Budapest, 1982, vol.II, pp.15-18/K | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | January 1982 |
61 | High-Frequency Scattering From Offset Reflectors | IEE Sec. International Conf. on Antennas and Prop. Proc. | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | April 1981 |
62 | High-frequency scattering from offset reflectors | Proc. IEE Int. Conf. on Antennas and Propagation, York, U.K., 1981 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | January 1981 |
63 | Calculation of the radiation patterns of axially symmetric reflectors | Proc. 10th European Microwave Conf., 1980 | E. Yazgan, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | January 1980 |
64 | Optimization of aperture antenna distributions for interference reduction | Proc. IEE | M. Şafak, Paul P. Delogne | Journal paper | Unspecified | August 1978 |
65 | Comparison of uniform asymptotic theory and uniform geometrical theory of diffraction | Proc. IEE Int. Conf. on Antennas and Propagat., 1978 | M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | January 1978 |
66 | A comparative study of GTD and physical optics diffraction coefficients for axially symmetric reflectors | Proc. 7th European Microwave Conf., 1977, pp.670-674 | M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | January 1977 |
67 | Cross-polarization in Cassegrainian and front-fed parabolical antennas | IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation | M. Şafak, Paul P. Delogne | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1976 |
68 | Calculation of radiation patterns of paraboloidal reflectors by high frequency asymptotic techniques | Electronics Letters | M. Şafak | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1976 |
69 | Electromagnetic theory of the leaky coaxial cable | Proc. Radio and Electronic Eng. | M. Şafak, Paul P. Delogne | Journal paper | Unspecified | January 1975 |
70 | Electromagnetic theory of the leaky coaxial cable | Proc. Coll. Leaky Feeders Radio Comm. Systems, Univ. of Surrey, April 1974, pp.125-147. | Paul P. Delogne, M. Şafak | Conference paper | - | April 1974 |
71 | Design of antenna distributions for optimum gain with noise interference rejection | Proc. AGARD Conference no. 127 on Propagation Effects on Frequency Sharing, 1973 | M. Şafak, Paul P. Delogne | Conference paper | - | January 1973 |