2024-2025 Fall term open graduate courses and sections
Dept. code Course code and name Section code(s) T P C ECTS Supervisor(s)
357ELE612 Advanced Solid State Electronics13038Dr. Dinçer Gökcen
357ELE698 Special Topics0000
357ELE699 Seminar0204
357ELE701 Linear System Theory130310Dr. Hüseyin Demircioğlu
357ELE709 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes130310Dr. Berkan Dülek
357ELE713 Switched Power Supplies130310Dr. Işık Çadırcı
357ELE723 Electromagnetic Wave Theory I130310Dr. Feza Arıkan
357ELE728 Antenna Theory and Analysis130310Dr. Birsen Saka
357ELE730 Digital Communications I130310Dr. Cenk Toker
357ELE737 Fundamentals of Information Theory130310Dr. Emre Aktaş
357ELE759 Special Topics in Control130310Dr. İsmail Uyanık
357ELE773 Pattern Recognition130310Dr. S. Esen Yüksel
357ELE781 Navigation, Guidance and Control130310Dr. Yakup Özkazanç
357ELE782 Optical Systems130310Dr. Çiğdem Seçkin Gürel
357ELE791 Knowledge Based Systems130310Dr. Derya Altunay
357ELE797 Preparation for PhD Qualification Examination104230
357ELE798 Special Topics10000
357ELE799 Seminar122320
FBE601 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics12025
  • Dept: Department code. T: Theoretical hours, P: Practical hours, C: Local credit, ECTS: European Credit Transfer System's credit.
  • If the section codes are seperated by a hyphen (-) such as "21-23", the sections in between (ie. 22) are also present.
  • If the section codes are seperated by a comma (,) such as "21,23", the sections in between (ie. 22) are not present.