Publications of Dr. Cenk Toker
TypeInternational publicationNational publicationTotal
Journal paper1313
Conference paper511869
Technical report415
# Title Publication Author(s) Type Indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI or EI? Year
1Gizli Kullanım Özelliğine Sahip Bir İşitme CihazıTürk PatentMerve Batuk, Gonca Sennaroğlu, Adil Denizli, Nilay Bereli, Mehmet Ali Onur, Levent Sennaroğlu, C. Toker, Harun Artuner, Bilsay Sümer, Onur Ergün, Münir Demir Bajin, D. GökcenOther-January
2Rate maximizing OFDM parameter optimization on HF channelsPhysical CommunicationÖmer Özdil, C. TokerJournal paperYesJanuary
3Dynamic Resource Management in Next Generation Networks based on Deep Q Learning28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU)A. Aslan, G. Bal, C. TokerConference paper-October
4Multi-UAV Base Station Deployment Maximizing Coverage Density and Network Endurance28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU)U. Demir, C. Toker, Ö. EkiciConference paper-October
5Dynamic Resource Management in Next Generation Networks with Dense User Traffic2020 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom)Aysun Aslan, Gülce Bal, C. TokerConference paper-May
6Energy-Efficient Deployment of UAV in V2X Network Considering Latency and Backhaul IssuesIEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and NetworkingU. Demir, C. Toker, Ö. EkiciConference paper-May
7Interference-aware resource allocation for multi-tier uplink NOMA under feedback constraintsPhysical CommunicationB. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerJournal paperYesAugust
8Sparse 2D-DCT reconstruction of total electron content mapsProceedings of 9th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space TechnologiesC. Sunu, C. TokerConference paper-June
9Energy-Efficient Rotary-Wing UAV Deployment Under Flight Dynamics and QoS ConstraintsIEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and NetworkingU. Demir, Merve Ç. İpek, C. Toker, Özgür EkiciConference paper-June
10Construction of TEC maps using compressive sensing27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications ConferenceC. Sunu, C. TokerConference paper-April
11Jamming performance analysis of chirp jammers on DSSS signals27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications ConferenceC. Sunu, C. Toker, Şevket GöğüsdereConference paper-April
12Interference Aware Optimal Resource Allocation on V2X Networks27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU), IEEEU. Demir, B. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerConference paper-April
13Geniş Bant Yer Tabanlı bir VLF/LF Alıcı Sisteminin Analog Ön-uç TasarımıIX. URSI-TÜRKİYE 2018 BİLİMSEL KONGRESİ ULUSAL GENEL KURUL TOPLANTISIU. Demir, M. S. Saraçoğlu, C. TokerConference paper-September
14IONOLAB Group Studies for Earthquake Precursors in IonosphereISGG 2018F. Arıkan, O. Arıkan, C. Toker, S. Karatay, T.L. GulyaevaConference paper-August
15Development of Singular Value Decomposition Based Indices for Regional Monitoring of Space Weather ThreatsCOSPAR-18F. Arıkan, C. Toker, O. ArıkanConference paper-July
16Advanced Signal Processing Tools of IONOLAB for Ionospheric ImagingCOSPAR-18F. Arıkan, O. Arıkan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, T.L. GulyaevaConference paper-July
17Observation of the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 at the Pruhonice stationJournal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial PhysicsZ. Mosna, J. Boska, P. Koucka Knizova, T. Sindelarova, D. Kouba, J. Chum, l. Rejfek, K. Potuznikova, F. Arıkan, C. TokerJournal paperYesApril
18Power and Interference Regulated Water-Filling for Multi-Tier Multi-Carrier Interference Aware UplinkIEEE Wireless Communications LettersB. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerJournal paperYesJanuary
19Statistical Updates of IRI and IRI-Plas Using GPS-TEC in Near-Real Time for HF Communication and Ground Based Augmentation SystemsIRI 2017 Workshop, 13-17 Kasım 2017, Taipei, TayvanF. Arıkan, O. Arikan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, T. Gulyaeva, S. Karatay, ESRA ERDEM, O. Koroglu, M. Koroglu, A. CinarConference paper-November
20Fusion of ionosonde measurements and TEC estimations using statistical techniquesThe second VarSITI General Symposium (VarSITI-2017), 10-15 Temmuz 2017, Irkutsk, RusyaO. Koroglu, F. Arıkan, C. Toker, H. Artuner, Z. MosnaConference paper-July
21Joint transceiver FIR filter design for multiuser MIMO channel shortening equalization and full equalization using channel dualityTurkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer SciencesB. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerJournal paperYesMarch
22Antenna Port Selection in a Coordinated Cloud Radio Access NetworkIEEE Communications LettersG. Bulu, Talha Ahmad, Ramy H. Gohary, C. Toker, Halim YanıkömeroğluJournal paperYesMarch
23Space weather studies of IONOLAB groupURSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (URSI AP-RASC)F. Arıkan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, Harun Artuner, G. Bulu, U. Demir, Esra Erdem, Orhan Arıkan, Hakan Tuna, Tamara Gulyaeva, Secil Karatay, Zbysek MosnaConference paper-October
24Statistical Analysis of the Ionosphere based on Singular Value Decomposition41st COSPAR Scientific AssemblyU. Demir, M. N. Deviren, C. Toker, F. ArıkanConference paper-July
25Probability Distribution Extraction from TEC Estimates based on Kernel Density Estimation41st COSPAR Scientific AssemblyU. Demir, Duygu Çenet, C. TokerConference paper-July
26Application of IRI-Plas in Ionospheric Tomography and HF Communication Studies with Assimilation of GPS-TEC41st COSPAR Scientific AssemblyF. Arıkan, Tamara Gulyaeva, U. Sezen, Orhan Arıkan, C. Toker, Hakan Tuna, Esra ErdemConference paper-July
274. Comparison of ionospheric plasma drifts obtained by different techniques41st COSPAR Scientific AssemblyDaniel Kouba, F. Arıkan, Orhan Arıkan, C. Toker, Zbysek Mosna, Gokhan Gok, Lubos Rejfek, Gizem ArıConference paper-July
28Energy Efficient Power Control and Radio Resource Management in Multi-Connectivity FrameworkSignal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU), 2016 24thÖ. Haliloğlu, C. Toker, G. Bulu, B. Yüksekkaya, Halim YanıkömeroğluConference paper-May
29İki Katmanlı Çok-Taşıyıcılı Çoklu Erişim Kanalları için Girişim Kısıtları Altında Güç KontrolüIEEE 24. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıB. Yüksekkaya, Hazer İnaltekin, C. TokerConference paper-May
30Geri Besleme ve Girişim Kısıtları Altında İki Katmanlı Çoklu Erişim Kanalları için Güç KontrolüIEEE 24. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıB. Yüksekkaya, U. Demir, Hazer İnaltekin, C. TokerConference paper-May
31Application of IONOLAB-CIT to Central Europe for Regional Tomographic Reconstruction of Ionospheric Electron DensityLiving Planets Symposium (LPS) 2016Hakan Tuna, Orhan Arıkan, F. Arıkan, U. Demir, C. Toker, Zbysek Mosna, Tamara GulyaevaConference paper-May
32Geribesleme ve Girişim Kısıtları Altında İki Katmanlı Ağlarda Çıkış Yolu Güç Kontrolü24. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıU. Demir, C. Toker, Ö. Haliloğlu, Hazer İnaltekinConference paper-May
33Online IRI-Plas Interface Service by IONOLABInternational Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop 2015F. Arıkan, T.L. Gulyaeva, C. Toker, U. Sezen, H. ArtunerConference paper-November
34Improved IONOLAB-TEC Space Weather ServiceInternational Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop 2015F. Arıkan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, H. Artuner, G. Bulu, S. KaratayConference paper-November
35Analysis of Clipping Noise in Visible Light CommunicationsIEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology ConferenceA. Fişne, C. TokerConference paper-September
36Near-Optimum Power Control for Two-Tier SIMO Uplink Under Power and Interference ConstraintsIEEE 16. International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless CommunicationsB. Yüksekkaya, Hazer İnaltekin, C. Toker, Halim YanikömeroğluConference paper-June
37Görünür Işık Haberleşmesinde Kırpma Gürültüsü AnaliziIEEE 23. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (IEEE SIU 2015)Alparslan Fişne, C. TokerConference paper-May
38KD Kanalları için TE˙I Ölçümlerine Dayalı Doppler Kayması Kestirimi - Doppler Shift Estimation for HF Channels Based on TEC MeasurementsIEEE 23. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıC. TokerConference paper-May
39İki-Katmanlı Ağlarda Düşük SNR Bölgesinde Eniyi Güç KontrolüIEEE 23. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıU. Demir, C. Toker, Hazer İnaltekinConference paper-May
40İki Katmanlı TGÇÇ-ÇGÇÇ Çoklu Erişim Kanalları için Girişim Kısıtları Altında Güç KontrolüIEEE 23. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıB. Yüksekkaya, Hazer İnaltekin, C. Toker, Halim YanikömeroğluConference paper-May
41Energy Efficient Radio Resource Management in a Coordinated Multi-Cell Distributed Antenna SystemIEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)Ö. Haliloğlu, C. Toker, G. Bulu, Halim YanıkömeroğluConference paper-September
42HF Haberleşme için İyonosferin Neden Olduğu Doppler Kaymasının İncelenmesiVII. URSI Ulusal KongresiGizem Arı, C. TokerConference paper-August
43IONOLAB Grubunun İyonküre Uzaktan Algılama ve 2-B Görüntüleme ÇalışmalarıIEEE 22. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıF. Arıkan, C. Toker, U. Sezen, M.N. Deviren, O. Çilibaş, O. ArikanConference paper-April
44Investigation of the channel structure in visible light communicationIEEE 22. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıAlparslan Fişne, C. TokerConference paper-April
45Mathematical modeling of the plasma frequency-height profile of the ionosphere for HF communicationsIEEE 22. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıC. Toker, F. Arıkan, Orhan ArıkanConference paper-April
46İki-Katmanlı Ağlarda DF Programlama ile Eniyi Güç KontrolüIEEE 22. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıU. Demir, C. Toker, H. İnaltekinConference paper-April
47Generalized coordinated port selection in a multi-cell distributed antenna system using semidefinite relaxationIEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Communications (PIMRC 2013),G. Bulu, Talha Ahmad, Ramy Gohary, Halim Yanikomeroglu, C. TokerConference paper-September
48Optimum Uplink Power Control Under Power and Interference ConstraintsIEEE 78. Vehicular Technology Conference - FallB. Yüksekkaya, Hazer İnaltekin, C. TokerConference paper-September
49Radio Resource Mangement in a Coordinated Cellular Distributed Antenna System By Using Particle Swarm OptimizationIEEE 77th Vehicular Technology ConferenceÖ. Haliloğlu, C. Toker, G. Bulu, Halim YanıkömeroğluConference paper-June
50Otomatik Analog Kiplenim Sınıflandırma Algoritmalarının İncelenmesiIEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SIU) 2012M. Kabasakal, C. TokerConference paper-April
51Application of Particle Swarm Optimization for Parameter Extraction of 2-D TEC MappingEGU General Assembly 2012C. Toker, Y. E. Gökdağ, F. Arıkan, Orhan ArıkanConference paper-April
52Sentetik TEİ yüzeyleri için parçacık sürü optimizasyonu ile parametre kestirimiIEEE 20. Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı, SİU 2012 Bildiriler CDsi, SİU 2012Y. E. Gökdağ, F. Arıkan, C. Toker, O. ArıkanConference paper-April
53Suboptimal Recursive Optimisation Framework for Adaptive Resource Allocation in Spectrum-Sharing NetworksIET Signal ProcessingY Rahulamathavan, S Lambotharan, C. Toker, A B GershmanJournal paperYesJanuary
54Space-Time Interpolation and Automatic Mapping of TEC Using TNPGN-ActiveXXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science,F. Arıkan, O. Arikan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, B. Aktug, O. Lenk, M. Kurt, E. Parmaksiz, S. OzdemirConference paper-August
55Space Weather activities of IONOLAB group using TNPGN GPS networkProceedings of RAST-2011, Recent Advances in Space ResearchB. Aktug, F. Arıkan, O. Arikan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, O. Lenk, M. Kurt, E. Parmaksız, S. OzdemirConference paper-June
56A General Joint Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Channel EqualizationIEEE 72. Vehicular Technology Conference - FallB. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerConference paper-September
57IONOLAB group activities using CORS-TR GPS networkBeacon Satellite Symposium-BSS 2010 (BEACON 2010)F. Arıkan, O. Arikan, U. Sezen, C. Toker, O. Lenk, A. Kilicoglu, I. Sayın, O. KorogluConference paper-June
58Çok Kullanıcılı MIMO Kanal Denkleştirme için Ortak Verici-Alıcı TasarımıIEEE 18. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıB. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerConference paper-April
59A Low Complexity Algorithm Based On Geometric Programming For Call Admission Control in Wireless NetworksIEEE SSP'09Murat Kaan Özcan, C. TokerConference paper-August
60A Low Complexity Resource Allocation Algorithm for OFDMA SystemsIEEE SSP'09C. Turgu, C. TokerConference paper-August
61A General Framework for Joint Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Channel Shortening EqualizationIEEE SSP'09B. Yüksekkaya, C. TokerConference paper-August
62OFDMA Sistemler için Kaynak Tahsisi (Resource Allocation for OFDMA Systems)SIU 2009C. Turgu, C. TokerConference paper-April
63Blind, Adaptive Channel Shortening Equalizer Algorithm which can Provide Shortened Channel State Information (BACS-SI)IEEE Transactions on Signal ProcessingC. Toker, Gökhan AltınJournal paperUnspecifiedApril
64Radar Darbelerindeki Istemli Kiplenimin SiniflandirilmasiASELSAN A.S.C. TokerTechnical report-May
65Çok Kullanıcılı MIMO-OFDM Sistemlerde Kaynak Tahsisi (Resource Allocation for Multiuser MIMO/OFDM Systems)SIU 2008C. Turgu, C. TokerConference paper-April
66An Adaptive Blind Channel Shortening Algorithm for MCM SystemsEUSIPCO 2007C. Toker, Gökhan AltınConference paper-September
67Joint Transceiver Design for MIMO Channel ShorteningIEEE Trans. on Signal ProcessingC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J.A. ChambersJournal paperUnspecifiedJuly
68Kısaltılmış Kanal Bilgisi Sağlayan Kör, Uyarlamalı Kanal Kısaltma Denkleştirici Tasarımı (KUKKA-KB) (Blind, Adaptive Channel Shortening Equaliser Design with Shortened Channel State Information (BACS-SI))SIU 2007C. Toker, Gökhan AltınConference paper-June
69Robust Channel Shortening EqualizationCOST 289C. Toker, Semir AltınişConference paper-July
70Blind Multiuser Detection of STBC Signals Using Hybrid Constant Modulus and Subspace MethodsIEE Proceedings - CommunicationsS. Lambotharan, Y. Luo, C. Toker, S. R. Alty, M. GaniJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
71Channel Shortening for MIMO SystemsIEE Conference on DSP Enabled RadioC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J.A. ChambersConference paper-September
72Orthogonalization of Quasi-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes in Multipath Fading EnvironmentsEUSIPCOC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. ChambersConference paper-September
73Closed-Loop Space Time Block Coding Techniques for OFDM based Broadband Wireless Access SystemsIEEE Trans. on Consumer ElectronicsS. Lambotharan, C. TokerJournal paperUnspecifiedAugust
74Sensitivity of the Orthogonalization Methods for QO-STBC to Feedback Errors in an OFDM EnvironmentCOST 289, 2nd WorkshopC. Toker, S. LambotharanConference paper-July
75Joint Transmitter and Receiver Design for MIMO Channel ShorteningICASSP'05C. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. ChambersConference paper-March
76Joint Spatial and Temporal Channel Shortening Techniques for Frequency Selective Fading MIMO ChannelsIEE Proceedings - CommunicationsC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. Chambers, B. BaykalJournal paperUnspecifiedFebruary
77Blind multi-user detection of space-time block coded signals in a CDMA systemSPCOM '04S. Lambotharan, Y. Luo, C. TokerConference paper-December
78Closed Loop Quasi-Orthogonal STBCs and their Performance in Multipath Fading Environments when Combined with Turbo CodesIEEE Trans. on Wireless CommunicationsC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. ChambersJournal paperUnspecifiedNovember
79Infinite Length Channel Shortening Filtering Based on Polynomial ApproachEUSIPCO 2004C. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. ChambersConference paper-September
80Channel shortening filter design based on polynomial methodsVTC 2004-SpringC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. Chambers, B. BaykalConference paper-May
81Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes with Feedback and Transmit BeamformersLondon Communication SymposiumC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. Chambers, B. BaykalConference paper-September
82Space-time block coding for four transmit antennas with closed loop feedback over frequency selective fading channelsInformation Theory WorkshopC. Toker, S. Lambotharan, J. A. ChambersConference paper-March
83Performance Comparison of the Optimum and Suboptimum Multiuser Detectors, the Conventional Matched Filter and the RAKE receivers when applied to Synchronous and Asynchronous CDMA ChannelsMotorola, UKC. Toker, J. A. ChambersTechnical report-January
84Performance analysis of a joint matched filter based synchronization method for direct sequence spread spectrum radioVTC 2001-FallC. Toker, Y. TanikConference paper-October
85Turbo Kodlarin Sayisal Sinyal Isleyicilere Uygulanmasi1. Ulusal Iletisim Teknolojileri SempozyumuC. TokerConference paper-January
86IDRS Final RaporuAselsanC. Toker, Y. TanikTechnical report-March
87DSSS Paket Radyo Simulasyonu Projesi-I Final RaporuAselsanC. Toker, Y. TanikTechnical report-January
88DSSS Paket Radyo Simulasyonu Projesi-II Final RaporuAselsanC. Toker, Y. TanikTechnical report-January

Publication details