Publications of Dr. İsmail Uyanık
TypeInternational publicationNational publicationTotal
Journal paper12113
Conference paper301646
Book chapter11
# Title Publication Author(s) Type Indexed in SCI, SSCI, AHCI or EI? Year
1A Novel Experimental Assay To Study Multisensory Integration for Zebrafish During RheotaxisThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB2024)O. Koç, S. Anılmak, A. N. Sert, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
2Closed-loop Manipulation of Active Sensing Movements of Weakly Electric Fish During Refuge TrackingThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB 2024)E. Y. Aydın, O. Yılmaz, S. Topçakar, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
3Experimental Validation of the MVUE Model on the Refuge Tracking Behavior of Weakly Electric FishesThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB 2024)F. İbişoğlu, , S. Yalçın, C. Ş. Özdemir, Ö. Turan, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
4Sensory Salience Modulates the Tracking Response of Zebrafish During RheotaxisThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB2024)Ş. İ. Solmaz, M. C. Gökçe, E. S. Can, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
5A Novel Membrane with Soft Sensors to Directly Measure Mechanical StrainNeuroscience 2023Ş. Kumbay Yıldız, N. B. Düz, E. Y. Aydın, S. Akar, H. Artuner, P. R. Dinçer, İ. UyanıkConference paperNovember
6Integration of visual and mechanosensory information in zebrafish during rheotaxisSociety for Neuroscience Annual MeetingO. Koç, İ. UyanıkConference paperNovember
7Çoklu Duyusal Entegrasyon Modeli Olarak Örnek Bir Çalışma: Zayıf Elektrik BalığıZebra Balığının Model Organizma Olarak KullanımıE. Y. Aydın, İ. UyanıkBook chapterSeptember
8Yakın Mesafe Algısı için Yumuşak Robotik Duyarga KarakterizasyonuSIU2023 31. IEEE Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıO. Demir, E. Öztürk, E. Sayar, İ. Uyanık, Ş. Kumbay YıldızConference paperJuly
9A Novel Experimental Setup to Study Multisensory Integration of Zebrafish During RheotaxisThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB 2023)O. Koç, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
10Flow Speed Affects the Smooth Pursuit Tracking and Active Sensing Movements of Weakly Electric FishThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB 2023)E. Y. Aydın, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
11Modeling the Effects of Flow Speed on Smooth-Pursuit Tracking in Active Sensing Movements of Weakly Electric FishSociety for Neuroscience Annual MeetingE. Y. Aydın, İ. UyanıkConference paperJanuary
12A Novel Experimental Setup To Study Multisensory Integration Of Freely-Swimming Zebrafish During RheotaxisFENS Forum of NeuroscienceO. Koç, A. Demirel, Ş. İ. Solmaz, F. İbişoğlu, İ. UyanıkConference paperJuly
13Dynamic Sensory Reweighting In Weakly Electric Fish During Refuge Tracking In A Flow TunnelFENS Forum of NeuroscienceA. Demirel, O. Koç, E. Y. Aydın, N. Gürler, İ. UyanıkConference paperJuly
14Salience Of Multisensory Feedback Modulates Active Sensing Movements Of Weakly Electric Fish During Refuge Tracking In a Flow TunnelFENS Forum of NeuroscienceE. Y. Aydın, A. Demirel, O. Koç, N. Gürler, İ. UyanıkConference paperJuly
15The effects of sensory salience on smooth-pursuit tracking performance of zebrafish during rheotaxisFENS Forum of NeuroscienceŞ. İ. Solmaz, O. Koç, A. Demirel, F. İbişoğlu, İ. UyanıkConference paperJuly
16System Identification of the Target Tracking Behavior of Zebrafish During RheotaxisIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)O. Koç, A. Demirel, E. Y. Aydın, F. İbişoğlu, Ş. İ. Solmaz, K. Arı, A. İdman, İ. UyanıkConference paperMay
17Böceğimsi Robotlar için Biyolojik Olarak Esinlenilmiş Yumuşak Robotik DuyargaSIU2022 IEEE 30. Sinyal İşleme ve İletişim Uygulamaları KurultayıO. Kaymak, F. Şen, F. Yüksel, Ş. Kumbay Yıldız, İ. UyanıkConference paperMay
18Zebra balıklarında reotaksi esnasında hedef takip davranışının sistem tanılamasıUlusal Sinirbilim KongresiF. İbişoğlu, A. Demirel, O. Koç, F. E. Aksoy, Ö. Çolak, Z. C. Onlat, K. Arı, A. İdman, Ş. İ. Solmaz, M. Y. Sarıtaş, E. Y. Aydın, H. B. Şanlı, B. Yücel, M. Öztaş, A. Özgür, M. N. B. Can, İ. UyanıkConference paperNovember
19Salience of multisensory feedback regulates behavioral variabilityBioinspiration and BiomimeticsM. S. Comertler, İ. UyanıkJournal paperYesNovember
20Yüksek Performanslı Hücre Germe Cihazı GeliştirilmesiTıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik KongresiN. Düz, S. Vargeloğlu, M. E. Yay, Ö. Çolak, W. Odeibat, S. Şahin, İ. Uyanık, S. Akar, P. DinçerConference paperOctober
21Zayıf Elektrik Balıklarında Duyumotor Kontrolcü ve Hareket Dinamiklerinin Alt Uzay Tabanlı Sistem TanılamasıAvrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisiİ. UyanıkJournal paperNoAugust
22Efficient bipedal locomotion on rough terrain via compliant ankle actuation with energy regulationBioinspiration & BiomimeticsD. Kerimoglu, M. Karkoub, İ. Uyanık, Ö. Morgül, U. SaranlıJournal paperYesJuly
23Classification of Active Sensing Movements via Machine Learning ApproachesIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)S. Vargeloglu, İ. UyanıkConference paperJune
24Knockout of zebrafish desmin genes does not cause skeletal muscle degeneration but alters calcium fluxScientific ReportsG. K. Kürekçi, E. K. Mangit, C. Koyunlar, S. Unsal, B. Saglam, B. Ergin, M. Gizer, , İ. Uyanık, N. B. Düz, P. Korkusuz, B. Talim, N. Purali, S. M. Hughes, P. R. DincerJournal paperYesApril
25Characterization of zebrafish desmin orthologs and incomplete penetrance in CRISPR/Cas9-generated stable knockoutsZebrafish WorkshopG. K. Kürekçi, E. K. Mangıt, C. Koyunlar, Ş. Ünsal, B. Sağlam, B. Ergin, M. Gizer, İ. Uyanık, N. B. Düz, P. Korkusuz, B. Talim, N. Puralı, S. M. Hughes, P. R. DinçerConference paperMarch
26Zayıf Elektrik Balıklarında Aktif Algılamanın Sinirsel Mekanizmalarının AnlaşılmasıUlusal Sinirbilim Kongresiİ. Uyanık, N. J. Cowan, E. S. FortuneConference paperNovember
27Zayıf Elektrik Balıklarında Duyumotor Dönüşümün Sistem TanılamasıUlusal Sinirbilim Kongresiİ. UyanıkConference paperNovember
28Aktif Algılama Hareketlerinin Görevsel Hareketlerden Makine Öğrenmesi Teknikleri ile AyrıştırılmasıUlusal Sinirbilim KongresiS. Vargeloğlu, İ. UyanıkConference paperNovember
29Identification of Piecewise Constant Switching Linear Time-Periodic SystemsIEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)İ. UyanıkConference paperNovember
30Data and Software Associated with Publication ?Variability in Locomotor Dynamics Reveals the Critical Role of Feedback in Task Control?Johns Hopkins University Data Archiveİ. Uyanık, S. Sefati, S. A. Stamper, K. Cho, M. M. Ankarali, E. S. Fortune, N. J. CowanOtherFebruary
31Variability in Locomotor Dynamics Reveals the Critical Role of Feedback in Task ControlThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB2020)İ. Uyanık, S. Sefati, S. A. Stamper, K. Cho, M. M. Ankarali, E. S. Fortune, N. J. CowanConference paperJanuary
32The Selection of Stimuli Affects Non-parametric System Identification for Refuge Tracking Behavior in Eigenmannia virescensThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB2020)Y. Yang, Y. Pan, İ. Uyanık, N. J. CowanConference paperJanuary
33Variability in Locomotor Dynamics Reveals the Critical Role of Feedback in Task ControleLifeİ. Uyanık, S. Sefati, S. A. Stamper, K. Cho, M. M. Ankarali, E. S. Fortune, N. J. CowanJournal paperYesJanuary
34Sensorimotor Activity in Midbrain Circuits of Freely Swimming Weakly Electric Fish During Refuge TrackingSociety for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN2019)İ. Uyanık, N. J. Cowan, E. S. FortuneConference paperOctober
35Tork-Tahrikli Kayıplı YTS Modelinin İleri-Beslemeli Kestiricisinin Deneysel DoğrulamasıOtomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (TOK2019)H. E. Orhon, H. Hamzaçebi, İ. Uyanık, U. Saranlı, Ö. MorgülConference paperSeptember
36State-Space Identification of Switching Linear Discrete Time-Periodic Systems with Known Scheduling SignalsTurkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencesİ. Uyanık, H. Hamzacebi, M. M. AnkaraliJournal paperYesJuly
37Frequency-Domain Subspace Identification of Linear Time-Periodic (LTP) SystemsIEEE Transactions on Automatic Controlİ. Uyanık, U. Saranli, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, O. MorgulJournal paperYesJune
38Harmonic Transfer Functions Based Controllers for Linear Time-Periodic SystemsTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and ControlE. Kuzucu, İ. Uyanık, O. MorgulJournal paperYesMay
39Data and Software Associated with Publication ?Sensory Cues Modulate Smooth Pursuit and Active Sensing Movements?Johns Hopkins University Data Archiveİ. Uyanık, S. A. Stamper, N. J. Cowan, E. S. FortuneOtherApril
40Sensory Cues Modulate Smooth Pursuit and Active Sensing MovementsFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscienceİ. Uyanık, S. A. Stamper, N. J. Cowan, E. S. FortuneJournal paperYesApril
41Sensory Salience Affects Sensorimotor Delay in the Tracking Response of the Glass KnifefishThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB2019)B. Nixon, İ. Uyanık, Y. Yang, N. J. CowanConference paperJanuary
42Enhancing 3D Range Image Measurement Density via Dynamic Papoulis?Gerchberg AlgorithmTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and ControlE. Kuzucu, D. Ozturk, M. Gul, B. Ozbay, A. M. Arisoy, H. O. Sirin, İ. UyanıkJournal paperYesDecember
43Sensorimotor Activity in Midbrain Circuits of Freely Swimming Electric FishSociety for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (SFN2018)İ. Uyanık, N. J. Cowan, E. S. FortuneConference paperNovember
44Subspace Identification of LTP Systems Towards Data-Driven Models of Legged LocomotionDynamic Walking Conferenceİ. Uyanık, U. Saranli, M. M. Ankarali, O. Morgul, N. J. CowanConference paperMay
45A Low‐Cost Feedback Control Systems Laboratory Setup via Arduino?Simulink InterfaceComputer Applications in Engineering Educationİ. Uyanık, B. CatalbasJournal paperYesMay
46A New Experimental System to Test How the Brain Learns Novel Locomotion DynamicsThe Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB2018)K. T. Yoshida, İ. Uyanık, E. Sutton, N. J. CowanConference paperJanuary
47Periyodik Sistemlerin Nyquist Kriteri ile Kararlılık Analizi ve KontrolüOtomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (TOK2017)E. Kuzucu, İ. Uyanık, O. MorgulConference paperSeptember
48A Low-Cost Laboratory Experiment Setup for Frequency Domain Analysis for a Feedback Control Systems CourseIFAC World Congress (WC2017)B. Catalbas, İ. UyanıkConference paperJuly
49Tek Bacaklı Zıplayan Bir Robot Platformu Geliştirilmesi ÜzerineTürkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK2014)H. E. Orhon, İ. Uyanık, H. Hamzaçebi, Ö. Morgül, U. SaranlıConference paperNovember
50Parametric Identification of Hybrid Linear-Time-Periodic SystemsIFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control (SSSC2016)İ. Uyanık, U. Saranli, O. Morgul, M. M. AnkaraliConference paperJuly
51Identification of a Vertical Hopping Robot Model via Harmonic Transfer FunctionsTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and Controlİ. Uyanık, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, U. Saranli, O. MorgulJournal paperYesMay
52Independent Estimation of Input and Measurement Delays for a Hybrid Vertical Spring-Mass-Damper via Harmonic Transfer FunctionsIFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS2015)İ. Uyanık, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, U. Saranli, O. Morgul, H. OzbayConference paperSeptember
53Identifying Stability Properties of a Hybrid Spring-Mass-Damper via Piecewise LTI Approximation and Harmonic Transfer FunctionsDynamic Walking Conferenceİ. Uyanık, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, O. Morgul, U. SaranliConference paperJuly
54Extending the Lossy Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model with a Slider-Crank MechanismIEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR2015)H. E. Orhon, C. Odabas, İ. Uyanık, O. Morgul, U. SaranliConference paperJuly
55A High Frequency 3D LiDAR with Enhanced Measurement Density via Papoulis-GerchbergIEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR2015)B. Ozbay, E. Kuzucu, M. Gul, D. Ozturk, M. Tasci, A. M. Arisoy, H. O. Sirin, İ. UyanıkConference paperJuly
56Toward Data-Driven Models of Legged Locomotion Using Harmonic Transfer FunctionsIEEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR2015)İ. Uyanık, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, O. Morgul, U. SaranliConference paperJuly
57Experimental Validation of a Feed-Forward Predictor for the Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum TemplateIEEE Transactions on Roboticsİ. Uyanık, O. Morgul, U. SaranliJournal paperYesFebruary
58Tek Bacaklı Zıplayan Robotlar İçin Frekans Düzleminde Sistem TanılamasıTürkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansı (TORK2014)İ. Uyanık, Ö. Morgül, U. SaranlıConference paperNovember
59Dikey Yaylı Ters Sarkaç Modeli ile Bacaklı Hareketlerde Harmonik Transfer Fonksiyonlarına Dayalı Sistem TanımlamasıOtomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı (TOK2014)İ. Uyanık, U. Saranlı, O. MorgulConference paperSeptember
60System Identification of Legged Locomotion via Harmonic Transfer Functions and Piecewise LTI ApproximationDynamic Walking Conferenceİ. Uyanık, M. M. Ankarali, N. J. Cowan, O. Morgul, U. SaranliConference paperJune
61Adaptive Control of a Spring-Mass HopperInternational Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applicationsİ. Uyanık, U. Saranlı, Ö. MorgülConference paperAugust
62Adaptive Control of a Spring-Mass HopperIEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011)İ. Uyanık, U. Saranli, O. MorgulConference paperMay

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