Course Details

ELE792 - Bioelectricity

2024-2025 Fall term information
The course is not open this term
ELE792 - Bioelectricity
Program Theoretıcal hours Practical hours Local credit ECTS credit
PhD 3 0 3 10
Obligation : Elective
Prerequisite courses : -
Concurrent courses : -
Delivery modes : Face-to-Face
Learning and teaching strategies : Lecture, Question and Answer, Problem Solving
Course objective : It is aimed to give the following topics to the students : - Nerve cells - Electrical parameters of the cells and transmission theory - Nerve cells and action potential - Bioelectric events in the heart and in the brain - Electrocardiography (ECG) - Electroenecephalography (EEG) - Forward and inverse problems
Learning outcomes : To explain cells in anatomical and physiological aspects To perform simulations in nernst equation and action potential To outline data collection and signal processing in ECG and EEG To solve forward problem in simple geometry and few electrical parameters To solve inverse problem in simple geometry and few electrical parameters
Course content : Cells, tissues an organs Electrical system modelling and response of parts of the tissues Bioelecrical problem solution in three dimensional body structures Basic signal processing in electrical activities of the heart and brain Forward problem solution Inverse problem solution
References : R. Plonsey, D.G. Fleming, "Bioelectric Phenmena", McGraw-Hill Book Co. Ing., 1969.; J.G. Webster, "Electrical Impedance Tomography", Adam Hilger, 1990.; J. Malmivuo, R. Plonsey, "Bioelectromagnetism", Owford University Press, 1995.; J. D. Bronziona, "Biomedical Engineering Handbook", IEEE Press, 1995.
Course Outline Weekly
Weeks Topics
Assessment Methods
Course activities Number Percentage
Attendance 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Application 0 0
Field activities 0 0
Specific practical training 0 0
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 0 0
Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Midterms 1 40
Final exam 1 60
Total 100
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade success 40
Percentage of final exam contributing grade success 60
Total 100
Workload and ECTS Calculation
Course activities Number Duration (hours) Total workload
Course Duration 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Application 0 0 0
Specific practical training 0 0 0
Field activities 0 0 0
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, etc.) 14 12 168
Presentation / Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Homework assignment 0 0 0
Quiz 0 0 0
Midterms (Study duration) 1 30 30
Final Exam (Study duration) 1 40 40
Total workload 30 85 280
Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes
Key learning outcomes Contribution level
1 2 3 4 5
1. Has highest level of knowledge in certain areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
2. Has knowledge, skills and and competence to develop novel approaches in science and technology.
3. Follows the scientific literature, and the developments in his/her field, critically analyze, synthesize, interpret and apply them effectively in his/her research.
4. Can independently carry out all stages of a novel research project.
5. Designs, plans and manages novel research projects; can lead multidisiplinary projects.
6. Contributes to the science and technology literature.
7. Can present his/her ideas and works in written and oral forms effectively; in Turkish or English.
8. Is aware of his/her social responsibilities, evaluates scientific and technological developments with impartiality and ethical responsibility and disseminates them.
1: Lowest, 2: Low, 3: Average, 4: High, 5: Highest