HU UAV Student Society members to compete in CANSAT
March 5, 2017
The "Cervos" team of the Hacettepe University Student Society of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, founded in October 2016 under the supervision of our department's faculty member Dr. Dincer Gökcen, is going to represent our university at the CANSAT Model Satellite Competition to be held on June 9-11, 2017 in Stephenville, Texas, USA.
The team's project has already passed the pre-elections with a very good score given by the jury to enter the contest.

In the competition, sponsored by NASA, American Astronautical Society (AAS), Naval Research Laboratory and Lockheed Martin, mini satellites designed and produced by the competitors will be launched by rockets, and after released at a certain altitude they will be expected to share the data they acquire from the environment with the ground station while autonomously returning to the earth's surface.

For details:

We congratulate our team member students Mr. Aykut Aladağ, Mr. Kadir Serhat Altıntığ, Mr. Tuğrul Balcı, Mr. İbrahim Ethem Demirci, Mr. Burhan Kaplan, Mr. Berkay Küçükkılavuz and Mr. Abdullah Yılmaz.