HU UAV Society students in top 10 at CANSAT Competition
June 19, 2017
Our undergraduate students achieved to be within the top 10 by ranking 9th at the CANSAT 2017 - Model Satellite Competition among 40 pre-elected particpant teams from various countries of the world.
The name of the team was "Cervos" and the students are all members of Hacettepe University Student Society of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, founded in October 2016 under the supervision of our department's faculty member Dr. Dincer Gökcen.

In the competition held on June 9-11, 2017 in Stephenville, Texas, USA and sponsored by NASA, American Astronautical Society (AAS), Naval Research Laboratory and Lockheed Martin, mini satellites designed and produced by the competitors were launched by rockets, and after released at a certain altitude they shared the data they acquired from the environment with the ground station while autonomously returning to the earth's surface.

We congratulate our team member students Mr. Aykut Aladağ, Mr. Kadir Serhat Altıntığ, Mr. Tuğrul Balcı, Mr. İbrahim Ethem Demirci, Mr. Burhan Kaplan, Mr. Berkay Küçükkılavuz and Mr. Abdullah Yılmaz for representing our university for the first time at this event.