Department's Senior Design Project Exhibition and Mert Ulucay Project Award
May 13, 2017
Our department's senior students exhibited their design projects on Friday, May 12, 2017 at the department building with a great interest of students, faculty members and other visitors.
At the exhibition that has been organized by the department annually for 19 years, projects are presented both in poster and practical demonstration forms.

At this year's event, our undergraduate students Mr. İhsan Enes Ceylan, Mr. Emre Güngör, Mr. Ali Sait Kaya, Mr. Tahsin Mutlu and Mr. Murat Bahattin Özbek with 'Synthetic Aperture Radar' project, and Mr. Can Mert Demirliçakmak, Mr. Tümay Kara and Mr. İlker Talatcan Kutlucan with 'Ball and Plate' project were awarded.

The Award, named in memoriam of Mr. Mert Ulucay, our department's freshman student passed away in 2012, was given for the fifth time this year with the undergraduate students' votes for their most liked project. Following the exhibition a small ceremony was held and the award was presented to the winning students by Ulucay's family members.

We express our congratulations to the winners and all the project owners for their successful works and enthusiastic presentations.

Hacettepe University
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Head Office