SEMINAR: Image Chain Simulations for Satellite Based Earth Observation, Dr. Kamil Boratay ALICI, Thursday, December 7th, 2023, 13:30, Department's Conference Hall
December 5, 2023
Within the department's seminar series, Dr. Kamil Boratay ALICI will make a talk titled "Image Chain Simulations for Satellite Based Earth Observation".
All interested are invited.

Seminar Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023
Seminar Time: 13:30
Seminar Place: HU Dept. of EEE, Conference Hall

For your questions and comments:
Dr. İsmail Uyanık,

In this talk, I will describe our studies on image chain approach for earth observation satellites, which allows us to estimate satellite image quality, before the systems are physically built and operational. The adventure of sun light starts with the fusion reaction in the core of the sun. It exits from the sun’s surface, transmits through earth’s atmosphere and is being reflected from several targets located on earth’s surface. After transmission through the atmosphere one more time, it reaches the spaceborne optical systems (satellite cameras). I will provide details of key operations that identify the satellite image quality such as camera design, radiometric chain, spatial chain, and image processing, and describe image quality quantification methods.

Kamil Boratay ALICI received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Bilkent University, in 2004 and 2010, respectively. He held postdoctoral positions in University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and University of Texas at Austin, from 2010 to 2013. He is currently a Chief Scientist at TUBITAK Space Technologies Research Institute. He is the author of 34 journal papers with an h-index of 20. Dr. ALICI received the Young Scientist Award of Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2021.