Department's Industry Board meets for third time
November 27, 2017
The Industry Board of our department made its third meeting on November 15, 2017, with 10 attendees of its 19 members from industry, government and academic sectors.
The meeting was hosted by Prof. Dr. Ayhan Yilmazer, Dean of Hacettepe University's Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Birsen Saka, the department head, and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ozlem Ozgun, the vice head of the department.

The board aims, on the one hand, to strenghten the bonds between our department and the industry, and on the other hand, to raise the educational quality even to higher levels.

In the third meeting, the following decisions were taken to fulfill the suggestions of the board members, after a prsentation by Prof.Dr. Atila Yilmaz and discussions of the department's educational policies and goals:

* Industrial mentorship to be applied through senior design projects
* Collaboration of department and industry in senior design projects
* Organizing department seminars for students
* Continuing engineering ethics studies

You may click HERE to see a full list of board members.

We express our gratitudes to all members for attending the meeting and sharing their valuable opinions.

Hacettepe University
Dept. of EEE