Course Details

ELE410 - Communication Systems Design

2024-2025 Fall term information
The course is not open this term
ELE410 - Communication Systems Design
Program Theoretıcal hours Practical hours Local credit ECTS credit
Undergraduate 3 0 3 6
Obligation : Elective
Prerequisite courses : ELE425
Concurrent courses : -
Delivery modes : Face-to-Face
Learning and teaching strategies : Lecture, Question and Answer, Problem Solving
Course objective : It is aimed to give the following abilities to the students; Understand fundamentals of radiation and antennas, signal propagation in cellular radio systems. Understand and calculate the receiver noise and control its effect on the SNR at the receiver output. Understand the fundamentals of indoor and outdoor propagation mechanisms and modeling these channels. Understand the operation of cellular radio systems, including 2G and 3G, and calculate their performance.
Learning outcomes : A student who completes the course successfully will understand fundamentals of radiation and antennas . sources of the receiver noise, its calculation and its effect on the SNR at the receiver output. the fundamentals of atmospheric propagation; effects of the ground and other sources of scattering and modeling indoor and outdoor propagation mechanisms. the fundamentals of cellular radio systems, including 2G and 3G, and performance calculations.
Course content : Antenna fundamentals Receiver noise and communication link budget Channel modeling for mobile communications Cellular radio systems Introduction to 3G systems
References : Şafak, M., Digital Communications, Lecture notes, 2012; Rappaport, T.S., Wireless Communications, Prentice Hall, 1999. ; Goldsmith, A., Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005.; Proakis, J.G. and Salehi, M., Communication Systems Engineering, Prentice Hall: 1994. ISBN: 0 13 300625 5; Carlson, A. B., Communication Systems, McGraw Hill: 1986. ISBN: 0 07 100560 9
Course Outline Weekly
Weeks Topics
1 Antenna fundamentals. Radiation from Hertz dipole and linear dipole antenna.
2 Fundamental antenna concepts, gain, directivity, radiation pattern, polarization, effective receiving area and effective antenna height. Impedance and polarization matching. Friis transmission formula.
3 Receiver noise and communications link budget. Receiver noise. Noise figure and equivalent noise temperature of cascaded receiver components. Antenna noise temperature. Receiver signal-to-noise ratio.
4 Channel modeling for mobile communications. Propagation impairments, attenuation, reflection, diffraction, tropospheric refraction, ducting, atmospheric noise. Free space and line-of-sight propagation. Fresnel zones. Knife-edge diffraction.
5 Reflection and scattering from earth?s surface. Propagation over flat and spherical earth. Surface roughness, tropospheric propagation. Introduction to multipath propagation. Outdoor channel modeling, Hata and COST 231 models.
6 Indoor channel modeling, signal penetration into buildings. Atmospheric effects in terrestrial links, signal attenuation, noise and distortion effects. Atmospheric absorption, rain attenuation. Antenna noise.
7 Midterm Exam I
8 Cellular radio systems. Fundamental concepts of cellular radio systems, GSM architecture, GSM frame structure, power control. Speech coding in GSM.
9 Frequency-reuse, cluster size, handover, co-channel interference, cell-sectorization, cell-splitting, antenna tilting.
10 Adaptive antennas, switch beam vs. adaptive beamforming. Statistical analysis of co-channel interference due to fading and shadowing. Statistical analysis of cell coverage.
11 Traffic calculations: Erlang-B and Erlang-C formulas. Cell capacity.
12 Midterm Exam II
13 Introduction to 3G systems. Introduction to CDMA, PN sequences, variable spreading. Multi-user interference and capacity of CDMA systems
14 Beyond 3G systems. Introduction to OFDM and OFDMA. HSPA and LTE technologies.
15 Preparation for Final exam
16 Final exam
Assessment Methods
Course activities Number Percentage
Attendance 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Application 0 0
Field activities 0 0
Specific practical training 0 0
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 0 0
Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Midterms 2 50
Final exam 1 50
Total 100
Percentage of semester activities contributing grade success 50
Percentage of final exam contributing grade success 50
Total 100
Workload and ECTS Calculation
Course activities Number Duration (hours) Total workload
Course Duration 14 3 42
Laboratory 0 0 0
Application 0 0 0
Specific practical training 0 0 0
Field activities 0 0 0
Study Hours Out of Class (Preliminary work, reinforcement, etc.) 14 3 42
Presentation / Seminar Preparation 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Homework assignment 0 0 0
Quiz 0 0 0
Midterms (Study Duration) 2 25 50
Final Exam (Study duration) 1 35 35
Total workload 31 66 169
Matrix Of The Course Learning Outcomes Versus Program Outcomes
Key learning outcomes Contribution level
1 2 3 4 5
1. Possesses the theoretical and practical knowledge required in Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline.
2. Utilizes his/her theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of mathematics, science and electrical and electronics engineering towards finding engineering solutions.
3. Determines and defines a problem in electrical and electronics engineering, then models and solves it by applying the appropriate analytical or numerical methods.
4. Designs a system under realistic constraints using modern methods and tools.
5. Designs and performs an experiment, analyzes and interprets the results.
6. Possesses the necessary qualifications to carry out interdisciplinary work either individually or as a team member.
7. Accesses information, performs literature search, uses databases and other knowledge sources, follows developments in science and technology.
8. Performs project planning and time management, plans his/her career development.
9. Possesses an advanced level of expertise in computer hardware and software, is proficient in using information and communication technologies.
10. Is competent in oral or written communication; has advanced command of English.
11. Has an awareness of his/her professional, ethical and social responsibilities.
12. Has an awareness of the universal impacts and social consequences of engineering solutions and applications; is well-informed about modern-day problems.
13. Is innovative and inquisitive; has a high level of professional self-esteem.
1: Lowest, 2: Low, 3: Average, 4: High, 5: Highest